I have always been interested in people and their stories. As an advocate at a battered women’s shelter I witnessed how women were empowered when talking through their life experiences; as a development officer at a center for children I learned the importance of telling the agency’s story to inspire giving. In graduate school I explored narrative as underscoring the way we make sense of our lives. As a wife, mother, and community member I believe that sharing our stories helps us to become more connected, more compassionate, and more engaged in life.
2015 - Present
Writing Group, Ink (https://www.writinggroupink.com)
2001 - Present
Myers Park Presbyterian Church (https://myersparkpres.org)
August 2016 - August 2017
Huffington Post
September 2012 - April 2017
The Charlotte Observer, Charlotte, NC
July 2014
Tikkun Magazine (www.tikkun.org)
August 2012 - August 2014
DVA Charlotte, Charlotte, NC
March 2013
Myers Park Magazine, Charlotte, NC
February 2010 - November 2013
Skirt! www.skirt.com
August 2000 - February 2002
The Family Center, Charlotte, NC
October 1992 - May 2000
CVAN Women's Program, Concord, NC
M.A. Organizational Communication
B.A. English/concentration Gender Studies
“Bess Kercher’s blog on the Charlotte Observer’s MomsCharlotte.com site has been a big hit! With candid humor and wit, Kercher shares the pitfalls and delights of mothering, all while proving that our local ‘Worst Mom’ is anything but. Her writing is relatable, good-humored, and sure to elicit a laugh.”
“The DVA Charlotte messages of collaboration, community above politics, and inspiring women to engage are highly conceptual and it took Bess and her insightful writing to bring those concepts to life and make them relevant to our members.”
“This was incredible work! It is beautifully written and insightful and new. Well done!”